
Vinted Climate Change Impact Report

29 March 2023

Vinted publishes its first Climate Change Impact Report

Vinted, the leading C2C marketplace in Europe for second-hand fashion and portfolio company of BurdaPrincipal Investments, has released the results of its first Climate Change Impact Report. The comprehensive and independent analysis indicates that shopping second-hand on Vinted compared to buying new is a better choice for the climate. The report was conducted by the climate tech start-up Vaayu.

According to the report, buying second-hand on Vinted can result in average emission savings of 1.8 kgCO2 per item. This is based on data collected in 2021 and 2022. The Vinted Marketplace was thus able to avoid 453 kilotons CO₂e in 2021. This equates to flying back and forth between London and Los Angeles around 275,000 times and demonstrates that buying second-hand fashion from Vinted can be less damaging to the climate than buying new items.

Vaayu used a Consequential Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach to analyse half a billion transactions, along with insights on shopping behaviours from a sample of 350,000 Vinted members. The report is thus the largest-ever primary dataset on second-hand online shopping at scale. The Report assessed: cradle-to-consumer carbon emissions of products sold on Vinted, how often Vinted members actively avoided purchasing a new product when buying second-hand and also carbon emissions generated by deliveries, packaging and Vinted operations.

Buying second-hand is the better choice for the climate

The survey also shows that almost half of the buyers (47%) chose Vinted due to affordability reasons and 20% said they are motivated by environmental and social concerns. In Germany, 29% of buyers cited environmental and social reasons as motivators. This shows that members are increasingly valuing the impact that a second-hand purchase has.

“Fashion is responsible for significant damage to the environment, so our mission is grounded in the conviction that resale is one of the solutions to tackle this harm.”

Thomas Plantenga, CEO of vinted

The C2C marketplace draws the following conclusion: They wish to encourage their members to buy second-hand items instead of new ones, resulting in avoiding the creation of emissions in the first place. Additionally, they aim to help people see and realise the value in the items they own, explains Plantenga.

“With this extensive analysis, we are happy to be able to evidence that buying second-hand items on Vinted is a better choice for the climate than buying new. And we will use the learnings from this analysis to ultimately help Vinted and our members change fashion consumption habits and continue reducing the negative impact of fashion on the climate into the future.”

Thomas Plantenga, CEO of vinted

For further information please click here

You can read the full report here